Decreased Productivity - Without a reliable connection, business operations suffers along with employee productivity.
Voice 4G LTE Backup
In today’s society, having your phone lines down for even a short period of time can cause your business to suffer. iTeraTEL’s 4G LTE Failover can provide immediate, cost-effective, alternate connections in the event your primary connection is lost.
The Impact of Voice Services Downtime
Lost Revenue - Unplanned network outages can happen daily. Critical applications such as faxes & phones could end up costing your company thousands.
Customer Frustration - Loss of connection can lead to poor customer experience, damaging sales as well as brand equity.

Key Features

Flat Rate Plans
Flat rate LTE failover data plans offer flexible connectivity options for all voice solutions

Seamless Connection
Connectivity is automatically switched to a 4G LTE network during an outage, eliminating downtime and disruption.

Powerful Nationwide Coverage
From coast to coast, our powerful nationwide 4G LTE coverage ensures your business will remain connected. With automatic connection failover, your business communication continues to operate at lightning speed.